Add or Edit Template

Create a new inventory template

Before generating a PDF inventory, you must create a template that can be modified as the property changes over time.

To create a template, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Tenancy Builder part of the website and click on Inventory AI in the sidebar.
  2. Click Add (top right)
  3. Select a letting unit or add a new one. Enter the name of the inventory preparer. Optionally, add a photo of the building. Click next.
  4. Add rooms in the order you want them to show in the report.
  5. Add photos to the first room, and when they're uploaded, click Analyse Images on the right of the room.
  6. Please be patient. Analysing many complex photos can take several minutes. Keep the browser tab open, and do not analyse other rooms until finished.
  7. Once the AI has analysed the images, a list of items will appear below the photos.
  8. Check each item carefully. You can edit each part by clicking in the respective box, or you can delete an item on the right. Additional items the AI might have missed can be added by clicking the + button at the top of the items list.
  9. Click save at the bottom to avoid losing any data.
  10. Repeat 5 - 10 for each room.

Edit an inventory template

To edit an inventory template, please follow these steps:

  1. Return to the inventory list and select Edit on the right.
  2. Click in any box forming part of an item to edit the text in that box.
  3. To delete an item, click delete on the right of an item.
  4. To add further items manually, click the + button at the top of the items list.

If you want to analyse images again, you can remove a photo by hovering over it and clicking remove. You can add more pictures anytime by dragging or clicking the image box and selecting images from a folder.

Please note: when you click analyse images, all the pictures in that room will be analysed, not just any new ones added. Twenty credits per image will be required.