Deaf Tenant and Smoke Alarms

I have two profoundly deaf tenants in different properties.  

One is very proactive and has installed smoke alarms with a strobe light to warn him; the other is a vibrating pad that sits under his pillow when asleep.

The other tenant has confirmed he has not installed additional equipment to alert him.

The property has numerously hard-wired battery backup smoke/heat alarms.

Do I have a further responsibility to place extra measures in his flat due to his disability?  

I am thinking of the risk assessment section that mentions vulnerable people.  Or is this the tenant’s responsibility?

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Fire Safety

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (known as the FSO) introduced duties regarding fire safety in the common areas of HMOs, flats and maisonettes. The task is placed on the responsible person, who must carry out a fire risk assessment and take specific action to minimise fire risk in the common parts. Section 1 of the Fire Safety Act 2021 commenced in Wales on 1 October 2021.