Renting Homes (Wales) Act Delayed Until December 2022
Julie James, MS, Minister for Climate Change, has today (30 May 2022) announced that implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 is to be delayed until 1 December 2022. It was scheduled to commence on 15 July 2022.
The written statement says:
... I have over recent months received representations from landlords, and particularly social landlords, who have requested that implementation of the Act be delayed. As such, and in the light of the unprecedented pressures they face, including Covid recovery and supporting those who are fleeing the war in Ukraine, I have decided to postpone implementation of the Act until 1st December 2022. This will allow more time for landlords to complete the necessary preparations ahead of implementation.
And continues
... I recognise that preparing new occupation contracts and ensuring that properties meet the fitness standards set out in the legislation are major undertakings, particularly for those landlords responsible for a large number of properties and tenants. I also accept that landlords from both private and public sectors, as well as letting agents and other stakeholders, would benefit from additional time to familiarise themselves with the various pieces of subordinate legislation – the final tranche of which are due to be made in July – before commencement.
We would have been ready with everything necessary by 15 July. You can read the full announcement here.
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