Navigating Possession Claims in Wales: A Guide

Understand the court procedure for accelerated and standard possession claims in Wales with our comprehensive guide for landlords. Learn more now.

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After the Court Order - and Eviction

The court will typically award the costs of the application for possession against the contract-holder, but they may allow them time to pay if they are on a limited income. A landlord may feel that it is not worth seeking to claim the costs once the property has been recovered if it will be challenging to administer the instalments.

Applying to Court for Possession — Accelerated Procedure

Learn about the accelerated possession claims process for landlords in Wales, in line with the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 and Civil Procedure Rule 55

Applying to Court for Possession - Standard Procedure

Understand the court possession process for landlords, from signing court papers to obtaining possession orders. Learn the steps to avoid legal pitfalls.