Find the Latest News & Guidance from the Landlord's Guild
Are you seeking the latest news and guidance about being a landlord or letting agent in England or Wales? Then the Landlord's Guild is here to help.
We have a range of ways to stay up to date with our latest articles, including following us on the Mastodon social network and subscribing to our RSS Feed.
Mastodon is an open-source, decentralised social media platform. You can follow us on Mastodon by visiting Here, you'll be able to see the latest updates from the Landlord's Guild and comment on them.
Mastodon is where many people we already followed on Twitter have moved to either permanently or in addition to Twitter. It can be unclear at first (which is one of the things we like because it's like being at the beginning when Twitter and Facebook were new, and we were all trying to figure it out).
For an introduction to Mastodon, see this excellent article by Brendon Bigley.
See this page for more information and links to various resources about Mastodon.
We've gone all in for those interested and have a dedicated Mastodon server. The current app we're using to read is in beta testing called Mona by the producers of Spring (which has closed due to the sudden removal of third-party Twitter APIs). Ice Cubes looks excellent, and so does Ivory by the makers of Tweetbot (which also had to close along with all third-party Twitter apps recently)
Our RSS Feed is also a great way to keep up to date with our latest news and guidance. RSS (or Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content, such as articles from our website. RSS feeds can be accessed through RSS reader apps on your phone or through websites such as Feedly. To subscribe to our RSS feed, visit (England) (Wales) and add it to your reader.
Our website has a dedicated news page for those who want to avoid signing up for either Mastodon or RSS. This can be accessed at (for England) or (for Wales). Here, you'll find our latest news and guidance, listed in order of publication or update, which you can search or filter.
Furthermore, you can find all our published articles, guidance, forms and technical support by visiting our main search page at (for England) or (for Wales).
Finally, you can subscribe to our weekly digest. Typically emailed every Sunday, the digest includes new posts, forms, guidance and subscriber questions during that week and may also have updated articles and guidance if the update is significant enough to include. Anyone can subscribe to the digest for free, although some linked articles may require a subscription.
So, no matter where you are, you can easily stay updated with all the latest news and guidance from the Landlord's Guild. Remember to follow us on Mastodon and subscribe to our RSS Feed for all the latest updates. All these links are in the footer of our websites on every page.
Subscribers get full access to exclusive content, including forms, articles and discounts, plus our time saving Tenancy Builder tool.
Signup for our free weekly digest and get the latest news and guidance straight to your inbox (some content requires a paid subscription).